Monday, April 26, 2010

Menu Plan Monday [April 26 - May 2]

Over at they host a Menu Plan Monday every week and over 300 people link up so check it out!!
Welcome to my first week of meal planning. There are days where I can't figure out what I want to cook for the week and we end up eating out instead. I am going to try super hard each week to make a meal plan thats easy and nutricious.
Plus I really want to save money, and am inspired by this woman over at 30dollarweeklygrocerychallenge to only spend $30 a week on groceries, cleaning supplies and personal items!! WHAT..Seriously?!? I need to do this! But for this week because we already have all of this food in house I don't have to spend a penny! YAY.
Heres my menu this week. And I will also post a link to the recipes at the bottom.
Not all of them have a recipe.
Check out all the other wonderful menus and recipes this week [click here] and link up your menu!!

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